Astro for personal website

I am going to rewrite this website using Astro and documenting steps

I will bootrap this website under subdomain https://astro.gregko.com

Creating new project is pretty straightforward astro cli is awesome

yarn create astro

I have added subdomain to my existing vercel project and updated DNS records with my domain provider. dns records

Then I will point to this script below in project settings and build conditionally based on a branch. I will also need to change a type of a project to Other because it is no longer just NextJS


if [[ $VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF == "astro" ]]; then
  # mad magnitude is randomly generate project name
  npx astro build --root mad-magnitude
  cp -r ./mad-magnitude/dist ./dist
  npx next build
  # static export kills all api routes
  npx next export -o dist